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UR Asia
UR Asia 2021 brought together experts and practitioners from Asia and all around the world to showcase the best practices and latest innovations in the field of disaster risk identification and communication.

Review of disaster risks and structural vulnerability assessments in Myanmar: Volume 2
Analysis of research findings and implications on disaster resilience of Yangon’s built environment is an analysis of select reports from Volume 1 that have implications for DRM planning, policies, and institutions in Yangon.

Review of disaster risks and structural vulnerability assessments in Myanmar: Volume 1
Overview of Yangon’s disaster risk profile is a literature review of existing hazard, exposure, vulnerability and damage assessments in Yangon, and a synopsis of relevant laws and regulations.

UR Field Lab: Chiang Mai Urban Flooding
A one-month long arts and technology un-conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand exploring critical design practices in disaster risk management, collaborative technology production, hacking and art.

UR Finance Pacific 2018
The Understanding Risk Finance Pacific forum took place in Port Vila, Vanuatu, bringing together policymakers, financial risk managers, and development partners to strengthen regional collaboration on climate and disaster risk finance in the Pacific. URfP participants explored the challenges and opportunities of managing disaster risk in Pacific Island Countries and Small Island States.
The International Workshop on Tsunami Inundation Mapping
This workshop, running 25-26 Nov in Tokyo, aims to improve the capacity of Hydrographic Offices, predominantly in East Asian countries, to develop and utilize tsunami inundation maps. It will also facilitate discussion on the way forward through reports on the latest knowledge and technology and through sharing experiences and challenges among the participants.

2014 Understanding Risk Forum
Under the theme "Producing Actionable Information", UR2014 convened 840 participants from more than 60 countries, representing 285 institutions that covered government agencies, the private sector, NGOs, research institutions, academia and civil society.

Open Data Day: How the State Department is Linking Diplomacy With Collaborative Mapping During Crises
As events around the world mark Open Data Day, the Department of State is proud to celebrate the anniversary of one its own open data initiatives.