Racism, Exclusion & Risk: Harnessing Humor for Hard Conversations
Wednesday, Dec 02, UTC 02:00 to 02:55
Organizer: GFDRR
The widespread prevalence of racism in our society and institutions shapes disaster risks. Mechanisms of differentiation based on race are determinants in the social construction of vulnerability and exposure, perpetuating systemic patterns of exclusion and privilege. By overlooking reality, people and organizations often fail to notice racism, or anticipate the risks this can engender and entrench. We can do something about it… But how to initiate constructive conversations on the difficult intersection of race and risk? Humor can help. Join this interactive “cartoonathon” session to confront what’s unacceptable yet accepted. We will have and co-create serious fun with cartoon artists Emily Flake, Feggo and Yasin Osman, guided by risk-taker Pablo Suarez. The cartoons emerging from your input during this session will feed into UR2020’s concluding plenary on anti-racism, inclusion and resilience. |

This Community Session has been organized by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery and the World Bank’s Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice.
It builds off a World Bank Anti-Racism workshop developed by World Bank’s Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice.