Global Platform – Preconference interactive session

April 27, 2017 7:45 pm Published by Leave a comment

DRAFT Concept Note

Sendai Framework Priority 1: Understanding Disaster Risk

At Global Platform 2017: Preconference interactive session, Cancun, Mexico

Co-organizers: UNISDR and GFDRR

Date and Time: May 23rd, 10:00 – 13:00

Room: Sunrise 9

Expected number of participants: 50+
Focal point: Sahar Safaie (, Alanna Simpson (, Martine Woolf (


Introduction and Rationale

Policies and practices for disaster risk management should be based on an understanding of disaster risk requiring an ongoing effort to collect, analyse, manage and use relevant data and information on hazards, exposure, vulnerabilities, and capacities of critical assets, and understand the underlying drivers of risk, their interdependencies, and outcomes of various risk reduction measures. Such knowledge can be used for the purpose of designing policies and actions for risk prevention, reduction, and preparedness and effective response to disasters. This information is also required to ensure all new development and investments are design with adequate measures to avoid creation of new risk.

Understanding disaster risk is one of the four Priorities for Action outlined by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 for states to focus on within and across sectors at local, national, regional, and global levels. Risk identification was one of the priorities of the HFA and substantial progress was achieved during the past decade in advancing science and technology, developing tools for hazard and risk assessment, and producing risk information at different levels and scales across the world. But there are still significant gaps in risk information quality and availability for various applications, and more importantly the challenge remains to ensure the process of designing, conducting and delivering risk assessments are embedded in the larger mechanisms of disaster risk reduction and development planning and decision makers use this information.

Depending on the purpose and objective, risk assessments are conducted using different methodologies, datasets, and tools for delivery of results. But besides the technical methodologies, there are other critical elements that determine if risk information can and will be used in development planning and disaster risk reduction decision making. These critical elements include:

  • Political endorsement and ownership by the main stakeholders and decision makers
  • Clarity on the purpose of the risk assessment
  • Capacity of the stakeholders in understanding and evaluating risk information
  • Availability and accessibility input and output data
  • Effective communication of results with stakeholders
  • Actionable recommendations and risk information that is presented along possible solutions (solution-based risk assessment)

UNISDR and GFDRR are designing a pre-conference workshop at the Global Platform for DRR 2017 to discuss and present the most critical elements and best approaches for enhancing understanding disaster risk as the foundation of DRR and long term resilience building at national and local level.

Session Objective

The objective of this pre-conference event is to provide the audience an update on policy and technical aspects of the most recent approaches in risk assessment for DRR.

To achieve this objective, the session will have two parts: The first part will highlight the critical governance and technical elements to ensuring data can be translated into usable information for decision making through case studies. The second part will showcase international and local expertise, tools and platforms available to governments embarking on the development and use of risk information.

The agenda is as following:

Part 1: Enabling elements for Solution-based Risk Assessment (80 minutes)

Session is chaired by Geoscience Australia

  • Opening remarks- by UNISDR
  • Introduction to the Enabling Elements [1]outlined by the Words into Action National Risk Assessment guideline- by UNISDR
  • Three cases discussing governance and technical approaches
  • By representative from Malawi
  • By representative from The Philippines
  • By representative from New Zealand
  • Discussion

Break 10min

Part II: International Support for Understanding Disaster Risk in Countries (90 minutes):

Session is chaired by GFDRR

  • Opening Remarks by GFDRR
  • 12 Ignite Sessions on:

1) tools/platforms/datasets

2) Technical expertise

3) Capacity development

  • Moderated discussion on the approach and focus of international support to countries on understanding disaster risk
  • Brief closing


[1] 10 enabling elements have been identified across three stages of a risk assessment:

The enabling elements are: 1.Establishing NDRA governance mechanism; 2.  Defining the policy scope and technical scope of NDRA; 3. Developing NDRA data management plan; 4. Developing NDRA required capacities; 5. Developing terms of reference for NDRA;  6. Selecting risk analysis methodologies; 7. Conducting the risk analysis; 8. Preparing the outputs of  risk analysis for communication with stakeholders; 9. Facilitating the process  for applying results in DRM decisions and solutions; 10. Ensuring Long term sustainability of NDRA system

Apply to present an Ignite

Deadline: May 5th
Successful applicants will be informed by May 9th

Decision on the call for EOI – CAPRA

November 2, 2016 2:21 pm Published by Leave a comment

A competitive process was organized to identify a new host for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Program’s (CAPRA) website: eCAPRA. An Open Call for Expression of Interest was publicly launched in July 2016 (see Background below for more information), and four proposals were received within the established deadline.  A panel led by Oscar A. Ishizawa (Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist and CAPRA LCR Program Coordinator), and comprised of Francis Ghesquiere (Head of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery – GFDRR), Emma Phillips (DRM Specialist, GFDRR), Niels Holm-Nielsen (Global Lead for DRM and Resilience), Fernando Ramirez Cortes (Senior DRM Specialist), Rashmin Gunasekera (DRM Specialist), and Barbara Minguez Garcia (Knowledge Management Coordinator for CAPRA Program) evaluated the proposals in September 2016.

The five criteria used to evaluate the proposals were:

  1. Technical quality of the proposal
  2. Institutional / International support to the proposal – Letters of recommendation
  3. Disaster Risk Analytics / Disaster Risk Management / Research in DRM experience
  4. International relevance / Access to potential new users / Expansion potential
  5. Knowledge and experience with CAPRA

The highest evaluation score was obtained by: Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia.

This proposal unanimously obtained the maximum scores in the following sections: Technical Quality of the Proposal; Disaster Risk Analytics / Disaster Risk Management / Research in DRM experience; and Knowledge and experience with CAPRA.

View the press release