LRF World Risk Poll ideation workshop
February 16, 2020 6:45 pm Leave a comment
LRF World Risk Poll ideation workshop
Note: this event is closed
use · communicate · risk communication
What are some of the most pressing risks faced and feared by the people around the world? Launched in 2017 to narrow the gap between people’s perceptions and real-world risks by undertaking research on the scientific understanding of risk and its practical application through a multi-disciplinary approach, the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR) partnered with Gallup to conduct a World Risk Poll, a first-of-its-kind survey to uncover the perceptions of risks across 140 countries. Gallup World Risk Poll Ideation Workshop is a half-day workshop to introduce the Gallup World Risk Poll to an interested audience and generate ideas for potential research projects associated with risk perceptions.
Organizer: Lloyd’s Register Foundation Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk